
Alexandrine Parrot: Pros and Cons of Ownership Explained

If you’re considering getting a pet bird, an Alexandrine parrot may be on your list of options. These birds are known for their striking appearance, intelligence, and affectionate personalities. However, before making a decision, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons of Alexandrine parrot ownership.

One of the first things to consider is the physical characteristics of an Alexandrine parrot. These birds are larger than many other popular pet bird species, with an average size of 22-25 inches. They have a distinctive green plumage and a red beak. In terms of behavior and temperament, Alexandrine parrots are known for being social and affectionate, but they can also be loud and demanding. They require a significant amount of attention and stimulation to keep them happy and healthy. Additionally, they can be prone to certain health issues, such as respiratory problems and feather plucking.

Pros of Alexandrine Parrot Ownership

Owning an Alexandrine Parrot can be a rewarding experience for many reasons. These birds are popular pets and make great companions for those who are willing to invest the time and effort into their care. Here are some of the pros of owning an Alexandrine Parrot:

Physical Characteristics

The Alexandrine Parrot is a medium-sized bird with a long tail and beak. They can grow up to 22-25 inches in length and weigh around 250g (0.55 lbs). Despite their size, Alexandrine Parrots have a gentle and calm personality. They are not usually the bully type bird and can be intimidated by smaller and more aggressive birds.

Behavior and Temperament

Alexandrine parrots are known for their friendly and social personalities. These birds are highly intelligent and require mental stimulation to keep them happy and healthy. If you are looking for an active bird that loves to play, an Alexandrine parrot may be a good choice for you.

While Alexandrine parrots are affectionate and social, they can also be quite independent. They are adaptable birds that can quickly adapt to their surroundings and learn to be comfortable in different environments.

Affectionate and Cuddly

Alexandrine Parrots are affectionate birds that enjoy cuddling with their owners. They are known for their friendly and social personalities, and they thrive on human interaction. These birds love nothing more than spending time with their owners, and they will often seek out attention and affection.

Excellent Talkers

Alexandrine Parrots are also excellent talkers and can learn to mimic a wide range of sounds and words. With patience and training, these birds can develop an extensive vocabulary and can even learn to speak in complete sentences. This makes them great pets for those who enjoy interacting with their animals and teaching them new things.

Family Pets

Alexandrine Parrots make great family pets and can be a wonderful addition to any household. They are social birds that enjoy being around people, and they can form strong bonds with their owners. These birds are also relatively low maintenance and can adapt well to a variety of living situations.

Learning Tricks

Compared to other parrots, Alexandrine Parrots are known for their intelligence and trainability. They are easier to train than some of the larger parrot species, such as Macaws and Cockatoos.

One of the best ways to mentally stimulate your Alexandrine Parrot is by teaching them tricks. These birds are quick learners and can pick up new behaviors with ease. Some popular tricks to teach your Alexandrine Parrot include waving, nodding, and playing dead.

Long Lifespan

Alexandrine Parrots have a long lifespan, with some birds living up to 40 years or more in captivity. This means that they can be lifelong companions for those who are willing to commit to their care. With proper nutrition, exercise, and veterinary care, these birds can live long, healthy lives.

Low Noise Level

Compared to some other parrot species, Alexandrine Parrots have a relatively low noise level. While they can be vocal at times, they are not as loud as some of their counterparts. This makes them a good choice for those who live in apartments or close quarters.

Overall, there are many pros to owning an Alexandrine Parrot. These birds are affectionate, excellent talkers, make great family pets, and have a long lifespan. With proper care and attention, they can be wonderful companions for many years to come.


Compared to other types of parrots, Alexandrine Parrots are relatively clean. They do not produce as much dust as some other species, and they are not as prone to feather dust as some types of cockatoos.

Cons of Alexandrine Parrot Ownership

Owning an Alexandrine Parrot can be a rewarding experience, but it comes with its fair share of challenges. Here are some cons to consider before bringing one into your home:

Physical Characteristics

Compared to other types of parrots and parakeets, they may not be as colorful as some other parrot species. Additionally, their larger size can be a challenge for those who live in smaller spaces or have limited room for a birdcage.

Require a lot of attention

Alexandrine Parrots are active birds that require a lot of attention. They need daily interaction with their owners to stay happy and healthy. Neglecting your parrot’s social needs can lead to behavioral problems such as feather plucking or aggression. Toys, puzzles, and other activities that challenge their minds could help periodically. However, if you don’t have the time to commit to caring for a parrot, an Alexandrine may not be the right pet for you.

Vocal Abilities

Be aware, not all Alexandrine parrots will talk, and some may only learn a few words. 

Lot of space

Alexandrine Parrots are medium to large-sized birds and require a lot of space to move around. They need a cage that is large enough to accommodate their long tail feathers, and they also require supervised out-of-cage time every day to exercise and explore. A good rule of thumb is to get a cage that is at least 3 feet wide, 2 feet deep, and 4 feet tall. The cage should be made of sturdy materials, such as metal, and should have a non-toxic finish. If you live in an apartment or have limited space, an Alexandrine may not be the right pet for you.

Proper care

Proper care is essential for the health and well-being of your Alexandrine Parrot. They need a balanced diet that includes fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as a variety of toys to keep them mentally stimulated. They also require regular veterinary check-ups to ensure that they are healthy and free from disease. If you are not prepared to provide proper care for your Alexandrine, it may not be the right pet for you.

Noise Level

In terms of noise level compared to other types of birds, Alexandrine Parrots are generally louder than canaries and finches. If you live in an apartment or have close neighbors, it’s important to take into consideration the noise level of your potential pet bird to avoid any noise-related issues.


These birds can be messy, and their droppings can be quite large. However, with proper care and attention, you can keep your home clean and your bird healthy. Their cages need to be cleaned regularly to prevent the buildup of bacteria and other harmful substances.


When it comes to common health problems, Alexandrine Parrots are prone to a few issues. One of the most common is respiratory infections, which can be caused by poor ventilation or exposure to cold drafts. You should ensure that your bird’s environment is well-ventilated and that it is not exposed to cold drafts.

Another health issue that Alexandrine Parrots can face is obesity. This can be caused by a diet that is too high in fat or a lack of exercise. To prevent obesity, ensure that your bird is eating a balanced diet and getting plenty of exercise.

Illegal pet trade

The Alexandrine Parrot is a popular pet, and unfortunately, this has led to a thriving illegal pet trade. Many of these birds are taken from the wild, which can have a devastating impact on wild populations. Before purchasing an Alexandrine Parrot, make sure that it was bred in captivity and obtained legally.


Owning an Alexandrine Parrot can be a rewarding experience for those who have the time, patience, and resources to care for them properly. While these birds are intelligent, active, and affectionate, they also require a significant amount of attention and care.

On the positive side, Alexandrine Parrots are social and affectionate birds that can bond closely with their owners. They are also intelligent and can learn to talk, making them a fun and entertaining addition to any household. Additionally, these birds have a long lifespan, which means they can be a companion for many years to come.

However, there are also some potential downsides to owning an Alexandrine Parrot. These birds can be loud and demanding, requiring a lot of attention and out-of-cage time. They may also become aggressive towards other bird species, so it’s important to keep them separated if necessary. Additionally, Alexandrine Parrots can be messy and destructive, which means they require a lot of cleaning and maintenance.

Overall, if you’re considering owning an Alexandrine Parrot, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons carefully before making a decision. While these birds can be a great addition to your family, they require a significant amount of time, effort, and resources to care for properly. With the right care and attention, however, an Alexandrine Parrot can be a wonderful companion for many years to come.

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