

Parrots captivate with their vibrant colors, raucous calls, and playful antics. And the Psittaculinae comprises one subfamily chock full of especially charismatic species guaranteed to impress enthusiasts around the world. Whether it’s the bright red, blue, and green plumage of Australia’s gem-like Princess Parrot, the unique toe arrangement allowing Blue-crowned Racket-tails to grip fruit and…

Regent Parrot (Polytelis anthopeplus)

Regent Parrot (Polytelis anthopeplus)

As you traverse the eucalyptus forests and woodlands of inland southeastern Australia, keep an eye out overhead for a flash of brilliant yellow and blue-black wings. If you’re lucky, you’ll spot one of Australia’s most beautiful parrots in flight – the Regent Parrot. “The male Regent Parrot’s vibrant plumage makes it one of Australia’s most…

Red-winged Parrot (Aprosmictus erythropterus)

Red-winged Parrot (Aprosmictus erythropterus)

Have you ever seen a flash of bright red and green wings in the treetops and wondered what tropical bird landed nearby? If you live or travel across northern Australia or parts of southern New Guinea, that vibrant splash of color just might be the Red-winged Parrot. These striking medium-sized parrots enliven savannas, woodlands, and…

Jonquil Parrot (Aprosmictus jonquillaceus)

Jonquil Parrot (Aprosmictus jonquillaceus)

The brilliant plumage and vocalizations of parrots have captivated people for centuries. As you learn about these intelligent birds, you may come across some less familiar species like the Jonquil Parrot. With it’s vibrant green and yellow colors, this parrot native to islands in Indonesia makes a striking impression. “The Jonquil Parrot’s bright colors and…

Genus: Aprosmictus
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Genus: Aprosmictus

The parrots of the genus Aprosmictus are a fascinating group of birds native to Australia and parts of Indonesia. With only two extant species, they are somewhat rare and mysterious creatures. But their vibrant plumage and charismatic nature have captivated bird enthusiasts for generations. Aprosmictus parrots inhabit a range of wooded habitats across northern and…