Avian HQ Articles

  • Dusky-billed Parrotlet (Forpus modestus)
    They may be one of the world’s smallest parrots, but Dusky-billed Parrotlets pack huge personality into their tiny frames. Weighing less than an ounce and small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, these vibrant green birds captivate bird lovers with their curious nature, lively chatter, and strong family bonds. As you read…
  • Mexican Parrotlet (Forpus cyanopygius)
    The Mexican Parrotlet (Forpus cyanopygius) is one of the smallest parrots in the world, but what it lacks in size it makes up for in color and personality. As their name suggests, these tiny parakeets are native to Mexico, inhabiting arid forests and scrublands primarily along the country’s western coastal region. You could cup one…
  • Riparian Parrotlet (Forpus crassirostris)
    You gaze up into the dense green canopy of the tropical forest. A flash of bright green and yellow darts by. It’s a Riparian Parrotlet! This vibrant little bird is one of the smallest parrots in the world, weighing less than 1 ounce (25 grams). As its name suggests, the Riparian Parrotlet lives along rivers…
  • Spectacled Parrotlet (Forpus conspicillatus)
    You may have seen videos online of tiny, colorful parrots with big personalities. These pint-sized parrots are called parrotlets, and they make popular pets. Parrotlets are the smallest parrot species in the world, but they pack a lot of spirit into their tiny frames! Of all the parrotlet varieties, one species always stands out for…
  • Pacific Parrotlet (Forpus coelestis)
    Have you ever seen a bright flash of green and blue feathers zip past you? If so, you may have spotted the Pacific Parrotlet (Forpus coelestis), one of the smallest and most colorful parrots in the world! Measuring just 4 to 5 inches (10 to 13 centimeters) long and weighing 1 to 1.5 ounces (30…
  • Genus: Forpus
    Have you ever seen a tiny, colorful parrotlet and wondered what they are all about? Forpus parrotlets are a genus of small, feisty parrots packed with personality. The nine species in the Forpus genus are native to various countries in Central and South America. “Forpus parrotlets captivate bird lovers with their bright colors, intelligence, and…
  • Brown-throated Parakeet (Eupsittula pertinax)
    Have you ever seen a bright flash of green dart past overhead, letting out a loud, ringing squawk? If so, you may have spotted the Brown-throated Parakeet! These vibrant little birds stand out with their jewel-like green color and namesake brown stripes. Though they originate from the forests and woodlands of South America—primarily Brazil, Bolivia,…
  • Olive-throated Parakeet (Eupsittula nana)
    Have you ever seen a small, swift parakeet darting through trees or across the sky, its green wings flashing brightly in the sunlight? If you spend time outdoors in parts of Mexico or Central America, you might spot the Olive-throated Parakeet (Eupsittula nana). This colorful little bird measures just 6 to 7 inches (15 to…
  • Orange-fronted Parakeet (Eupsittula canicularis)
    Bright green feathers with splashes of blue, an orange patch on its forehead – you’d certainly notice an Orange-fronted Parakeet if it landed nearby! These colorful birds stand out with their unique looks. About the size of a fist, they’re bigger than a budgie but still one of the smaller parakeet species. You’ll find these…
  • Cactus Parakeet (Eupsittula cactorum)
    Have you ever seen a bright green parrot flying through the desert or perched on a tall cactus? If so, you may have spotted the Cactus Parakeet (Eupsittula cactorum), a small and uniquely Mexican parrot. As its name suggests, this little bird has adapted perfectly to make its home in the arid landscapes of Mexico….
  • Peach-fronted Parakeet (Eupsittula aurea)
    You spot a bright flash of color high in the trees—it’s a Peach-fronted Parakeet! Also known by its scientific name of Eupsittula aurea, this medium-sized parrot measures about 10 to 11 inches (25 to 28 centimeters) in length. As its name suggests, adults of this species have distinctive peach or orange colored feathers on their…
  • Aztec Parakeet (Eupsittula astec)
    Have you ever seen a bright green parakeet flying through trees or perched in a backyard? If you live in central Mexico or the American Southwest, it may well have been an Aztec Parakeet. These lively little parrots stand out with their vivid green plumage and long, pointed tail feathers. You’ll most often find Aztec…
  • Genus: Eupsittula
    Have you ever seen a small, bright green parrot with a splash of color on its forehead or chest flying through the forests of Mexico or northern South America? If so, you may have spotted one of the six lively parakeet species that belong to the genus Eupsittula. These birds are part of the larger…
  • Ouvea Parakeet (Eunymphicus uvaeensis)
    You gaze up into the canopy of a tropical Melanesian forest, scanning the branches until a flash of bright green catches your eye. A pair of parrots with gorgeous emerald plumage alight on a fruit tree, their rose-colored beaks crunching into guavas. These vibrant birds are Ouvea Parakeets, some of the rarest parrots not just…
  • Horned Parakeet (Eunymphicus cornutus)
    You spot a flash of green and orange flying through the canopy. It lands on a branch, cocking its head as it examines a fruit. But then you notice the unique feature that gives this parakeet its name—two feathered horns sprouting from its forehead! You’ve spotted the rare horned parakeet, found only on the Pacific…
  • Genus: Eunymphicus
    With their brightly colored plumage and lively personalities, Eunymphicus parakeets are truly captivating birds. As you read on, you will discover what makes this genus of parrots found across islands of New Caledonia so special. The genus contains only two extant species: Both species play important roles in their island ecosystems. However, habitat destruction and…
  • Slender-billed Parakeet (Enicognathus leptorhynchus)
    You first catch sight of the Slender-billed Parakeet perched high in a tree, blending in with green foliage. Its bright green wings and tail contrast with a paler yellow-green back and head. At just 8 to 9 inches (20 to 23 cm) long, it’s smaller than some parrots but makes up for its size with…
  • Austral Parakeet (Enicognathus ferrugineus)
    You first catch sight of the Austral Parakeet while hiking through the dense, humid forests of southern Chile. A flash of bright red and yellow darts past, accompanied by a shrill series of squawks. Measuring just 7 to 8 inches (18 to 20 centimeters) long, this vibrant bird is easy to overlook among the lush…
  • Genus: Enicognathus
    Imagine yourself deep in the lush forests of Chile or Argentina when a flock of bright red and green birds suddenly lands in the trees around you. You’ve just had an encounter with parakeets in the genus Enicognathus, medium-sized parrots living in South America. These birds fill an important role as seed dispersers in their…
  • Red-shouldered Macaw (Diopsittaca nobilis)
    You first glimpse a flock of Red-shouldered Macaws loudly flying over the riverside forest canopy. As the sunlight hits their wings, vibrant red “shoulders” on the wing feathers shine brightly. These colorful parrots catch your eye with their unique and dazzling plumage. The Red-shouldered Macaw (Diopsittaca nobilis) is one of the smaller members of the…
  • Genus: Diopsittaca
    Imagine you’re hiking deep in the Amazon rainforest. As with other exotic birds in the jungle, Red-shouldered Macaws fly overhead in a burst of rainbow colors that brighten up the leafy green canopy. What makes these parrots truly stand out are the crimson patches on their wings, which look like two red epaulettes perched on…
  • Red-fan Parrot (Deroptyus accipitrinus)
    Parrots and parakeets are among the most popular and recognizable pet birds around the world. With their bright plumage, charismatic intelligence and vocal abilities, these birds have endeared themselves to humans for centuries. Of the hundreds of parrot species found globally, the Red-fan Parrot stands out as one of the most stunning South American species….
  • Genus: Deroptyus
    Have you ever seen a flash of vibrant red take flight in the rainforests of South America? If so, you may have spotted a Deroptyus parrot! This genus of parrots stands out for their beautiful bright red wing patches and high levels of intelligence. As you read on, you’ll uncover captivating details about these charismatic…
  • Black-fronted Fig Parrot (Cyclopsitta nigrifrons)
    The Black-fronted Fig Parrot (Cyclopsitta nigrifrons) is a small but striking bird found in the lowland rainforests of New Guinea and nearby islands. Roughly 6-7 in (15-18 cm) long with a wingspan of 8-10 in (20-25 cm), this parrot gets its name from the black mask-like band of feathers on the front of its otherwise…
  • Dusky-cheeked Fig Parrot (Cyclopsitta melanogenia)
    You gaze up into the dark green canopy of the rainforest, scanning the branches until a flash of crimson catches your eye. A parrot with a bright red cap and green wings alights on a nearby tree, soon joined by another with a blue-tinged back and tail. These colorful birds are dusky-cheeked fig parrots, aptly…
  • Orange-breasted Fig Parrot (Cyclopsitta gulielmitertii)
    You spot a flash of bright orange high up in the forest canopy. Craning your neck, you see a parrot with vivid orange feathers on its breast, green wings, and a red face peering back at you. You’ve discovered the Orange-breasted Fig Parrot, one of the most colorful and endangered parrots in the New Guinea…
  • Double-eyed Fig Parrot (Cyclopsitta diophthalma)
    You first catch a glimpse of the Double-eyed Fig Parrot as it darts through the dense rainforest canopy. This vibrant green parrot, with bright red patches under its wings and tail, lives only in the lowland forests of New Guinea. “The Double-eyed Fig Parrot’s splendid green and red plumage lets it easily blend into the…
  • Genus: Cyclopsitta
    When most people think about parrots, large, brightly colored species like macaws, cockatoos, and parakeets typically come to mind. However, the genus Cyclopsitta encompasses a group of small, inconspicuous, and often overlooked parrots known as fig parrots. Found exclusively on the island of New Guinea, these fruit and seed-eating birds blend into the dense rainforest…
  • Antipodes Island Green Parakeet (Cyanoramphus unicolor)
    Have you ever seen a bright green parakeet flying through the trees or chattering away with tropical birds at the zoo? If so, you may be familiar with some of the hundreds of parakeet species that exist. But there is one rare parakeet you likely don’t know much about – the Antipodes Island Green Parakeet….
  • Lord Howe Parakeet (Cyanoramphus subflavescens)
    You gaze up into the canopy of palms and dense rainforest vegetation, hoping to spot one of the rarest birds on the planet. There, amongst the leaves, you see a flash of brilliant green and yellow. It’s a Lord Howe Parakeet, soaring through its remote island home located 380 miles off Australia’s mainland coast. Endemic…
  • New Caledonian Parakeet (Cyanoramphus saisseti)
    You first lay eyes on the small, bright green bird with a shock of red feathers on its forehead. It cocks its head, eyeing you curiously with inky black eyes. The bird hops closer along the rainforest branch, and you spot flashes of brilliant blue on its wings – it’s a New Caledonian Parakeet! These…
  • Red-crowned Parakeet (Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae)
    As you gaze out over the lush green forests of New Zealand, a flash of crimson catches your eye. A small parrot with a bright red crown of feathers bobs through the canopy, its wings an iridescent green. You’re catching a glimpse of New Zealand’s only endemic parakeet species – the beautiful Red-crowned Parakeet. About…
  • Malherbe’s Parakeet (Cyanoramphus malherbi)
    Have you ever seen a bright yellow and olive green parakeet flying through the forests of New Zealand? If so, you may have spotted the rare and endangered Malherbe’s parakeet! Measuring just 9 to 10 inches (23 to 26 cm) long, these tiny parrots pack vibrant plumage and spunky personalities into their petite frames. As…
  • Reischek’s Parakeet (Cyanoramphus hochstetteri)
    Have you ever seen a bright red and green parakeet flying through the forests of New Zealand? If so, you may have spotted the rare and endangered Reischek’s Parakeet, a species found only on several small islands off the coast of New Zealand. Reischek’s Parakeets stand out with their bold red foreheads and crowns contrasting…
  • Forbes’ Parakeet (Cyanoramphus forbesi)
    Have you ever seen a bright green parakeet with an orange face? If you were in New Zealand, it may have been the rare Forbes’ Parakeet. This unique bird only lives on one tiny island chain far out in the Pacific Ocean. The Forbes’ Parakeet (Cyanoramphus forbesi) is medium-sized parrot that grows to about 9…
  • Macquarie Parakeet (Cyanoramphus erythrotis)
    As you gaze out over the tussock grasslands of Macquarie Island, a small, isolated land mass halfway between New Zealand and Antarctica, you catch a glimpse of bright red and green feathers flashing by. What was that? You catch another look and see a small parrot with a bright red forehead hopping along the ground….
  • Norfolk Parakeet (Cyanoramphus cookii)
    You gaze up into the dense, green forest canopy. A flash of bright green and red feathers catches your eye as a parakeet darts through the branches. About 8-10 inches (20-25 cm) long, with elegant tail feathers spreading behind it, this vibrant tropical bird is a marvel to behold. Welcome to Norfolk Island! This small,…
  • Yellow-crowned Parakeet (Cyanoramphus auriceps)
    Have you ever seen a small, bright green parrot with a forward-curving yellow crown? If you were in New Zealand, you may have spotted the Yellow-crowned Parakeet (Cyanoramphus auriceps), a beautiful and unique bird found only in that island nation. Though small in stature, reaching around 11 inches (28 cm) in length, these parakeets make…
  • Genus: Cyanoramphus
    Parakeets of the genus Cyanoramphus can be found across the islands of New Zealand and into the southwest Pacific, captivating bird enthusiasts with their bright plumage and fun-loving personalities. You’ll discover that these pint-sized parrots exhibit amazing intelligence for their small size. Sadly, many Cyanoramphus species also face serious threats in the wild. Learning more…
  • Spix’s Macaw (Cyanopsitta spixii)
    The Spix’s Macaw (Cyanopsitta spixii) is a rare and endangered species of bird native to Brazil. With its striking blue feathers and charismatic appearance, this magnificent creature has captured the hearts of many. However, the Spix’s Macaw is currently facing numerous conservation challenges, leading to a decline in its population. In this article, we will delve into the history, physical appearance,…
  • Genus: Cyanopsitta
    The vibrant blue feathers and bare facial patches make parrots in the genus Cyanopsitta stand out. But there is only one living species remaining in this genus today – the iconic Spix’s Macaw. “The decline of Spix’s Macaw in the wild captures public imagination about protecting rare species.” As the sole surviving member of the…
  • Burrowing Parakeet (Cyanoliseus patagonus)
    The Burrowing Parakeet, scientifically known as Cyanoliseus patagonus, is a fascinating species of parakeet found in central South America. Also referred to as the Patagonian Conure or Patagonian Parrot, this charming bird possesses distinctive traits that set it apart from other parrot species. History and Taxonomy First scientific description and naming in 1816 The Burrowing…
  • Genus: Cyanoliseus
    Parrots and parakeets are some of the most intelligent and charismatic birds in the world. Over 350 species exist, span a rainbow of bright colors, and showcase interesting behaviors that reflect their abilities. One special genus of parakeets is Cyanoliseus, consisting of large, long tailed species that inhabit South America. “Cyanoliseus parakeets are highly intelligent…
  • Gang-gang Cockatoo (Callocephalon fimbriatum)
    The Gang-gang Cockatoo, scientifically known as Callocephalon fimbriatum, is a fascinating Australian bird renowned for its distinctive crest. As a member of the parrot family, these captivating birds exhibit vibrant plumage and unique behaviors that make them a true symbol of Australian wildlife. History and Taxonomy The Gang-gang Cockatoo, a fascinating Australian bird, has a rich scientific history and taxonomy. Originally described in 1790, it was initially classified…
  • Genus: Callocephalon
    The Callocephalon genus is home to a remarkable cockatoo specie that is native to Australia. These Australian birds known for their distinctive features and behaviors, make them a fascinating subject. From their social behaviors to their cultural significance, the Callocephalon cockatoos have captured the attention of researchers and enthusiasts alike. In this article, we will explore the specie within the Callocephalon genus, delving into their unique characteristics and…
  • White-winged Parakeet (Brotogeris versicolurus)
    The White-winged Parakeet (Brotogeris versicolurus) is a captivating bird species known for its vibrant plumage and sociable behavior. This species of parakeet, native to South America, has captured the attention of bird enthusiasts worldwide with its stunning colors and unique characteristics. With its striking white-winged pattern, the White-winged Parakeet stands out among other bird species. Its feathers display a combination of beautiful blues, greens,…
  • Plain Parakeet (Brotogeris tirica)
    The Plain Parakeet, scientifically known as Brotogeris tirica, is a charming and social bird native to the lush habitats of South America. With its vibrant plumage and sociable nature, it has become a popular choice among bird enthusiasts and pet owners alike. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the history, taxonomy, physical appearance, habitat, diet, breeding behavior, conservation…
  • Tui Parakeet (Brotogeris sanctithomae)
    The Tui Parakeet (Brotogeris sanctithomae) is a captivating and charming bird native to the lush habitats of South America. With its vibrant plumage and delightful personality, the Tui Parakeet has captured the attention of bird enthusiasts worldwide. In this article, we will explore the history, physical appearance, habitat, diet, breeding habits, behavior, conservation status, and cultural significance of this…
  • Grey-cheeked Parakeet (Brotogeris pyrrhoptera)
    Have you ever seen a bright green parakeet with soft grey cheeks and a red beak? If so, you may have spotted the lovely Grey-cheeked parakeet out and about. This beautiful bird lives in various parts of South America and belongs to the diverse parrot family. At just 16 cm (6.3 inches) long, the Grey-cheeked…
  • Orange-chinned Parakeet (Brotogeris jugularis)
    You first catch a glimpse of an orange-chinned parakeet when a bright flash of green darts across your field of vision. Curiosity piqued, you crane your neck upward into the rainforest canopy and spot one perched on a branch. About 9-11 inches long and weighing only 2.5-3.5 ounces, this aptly named tropical bird has vivid…
  • Cobalt-winged Parakeet (Brotogeris cyanoptera)
    Have you ever seen a small, bright green parrot with vivid blue wings flying through the trees? If so, you may have spotted the Cobalt-winged Parakeet (Brotogeris cyanoptera), a beautiful little bird native to Brazil. Though small, measuring about 9 inches (22 centimeters) long and weighing just 2.5-3 ounces (70-85 grams), this parakeet makes up…
  • Golden-winged Parakeet (Brotogeris chrysoptera)
    You catch a glimpse of bright yellow and green feathers swooping through the canopy of the rainforest. A small parrot with striking golden patches on its wings has landed gracefully on a nearby branch. Meet the Golden-winged Parakeet (Brotogeris chrysoptera), a beautiful tropical bird named for its vivid plumage. Golden-winged Parakeets are endemic to the…
  • Yellow-chevroned Parakeet (Brotogeris chiriri)
    As you gaze up into the emerald canopy of a South American rainforest, you catch a glimpse of bright yellow and green wings flashing by. A flock of energetic little parrots chatters excitedly as they flit through the trees. These vibrantly-colored birds are Yellow-chevroned Parakeets (Brotogeris chiriri), a gregarious and fascinating species native to these…
  • Genus: Brotogeris
    Have you ever seen a small, colorful parrot with a lot of personality? If so, you may have spotted one of the Brotogeris parakeets. This genus includes 8 playful and smart species of parrots native to South and Central America. Brotogeris parakeets stand out for their bold body markings and feisty attitudes. They are on…
  • Guaiabero (Bolbopsittacus lunulatus)
    The Guaiabero (Bolbopsittacus lunulatus) is a unique and lively little parrot living in northern South America. If you happened across one in the tropical woodlands and grasslands it calls home, you’d likely notice its bright green feathers first, contrasted by an orange belly and throat. But the real standout is the bold black crescent shape…
  • Genus: Bolbopsittacus
    As you gaze up at a flock of parrots flying overhead, their bright colors flashing in the sunlight, you can’t help but admire their beauty. Parrots are part of the diverse Psittacidae family, which includes over 350 species. One lesser known genus within this family is Bolbopsittacus. “The genus Bolbopsittacus contains just one unique species…
  • Port Lincoln Ringneck (Barnardius zonarius)
    The brightly colored parrots of the genus Barnardius, commonly known as ringneck parrots, are an iconic part of Australia’s avifauna. Among the most recognizable members of this genus is the Port Lincoln Ringneck (Barnardius zonarius), a medium-sized parrot measuring about 14 inches (35 cm) long with a wingspan of up to 20 inches (50 cm)….
  • Mallee Ringneck (Barnardius barnardi)
    Australia is home to a dazzling diversity of parrots, from the vibrant Red-and-Green Macaw to the diminutive Budgerigar. Among the country’s unique parrots is the Mallee Ringneck (Barnardius barnardi), a small green parrot marked by its distinctive facial patterning. The Mallee Ringneck measures just 11-13 inches (28-33 cm) in length and weighs only 70-100 grams…
  • Genus: Barnardius
    Barnardius is a genus of parrots belonging to the broad Psittacidae family. You can easily recognize members of this genus by their vibrant green and blue plumage, as well as the bright red bands under their tails. Found across Australia, these charismatic parrots have become cultural icons and favorite pet birds. The genus includes around…
  • Dusky-headed Conure (Aratinga weddellii)
    You spot a flash of bright blue and green up in the trees as you hike through the dry forests of central Brazil. Peering up, you see a small parrot with a maroon-colored head hopping through the branches. This colorful bird is known as the Dusky-headed Conure (Aratinga weddellii), one of Brazil’s most stunningly beautiful…
  • Sun Conure (Aratinga solstitialis)
    Have you ever seen a small parrot with bright golden feathers, an orange breast, and a strongly hooked black beak? If so, you may have spotted the sun conure, one of the most radiantly colored birds in the parrot family. With their vivid tropical colors and loud, chatterbox voices, sun conures make a big impression…
  • Nanday Conure (Aratinga nenday)
    The Nanday Conure (Aratinga nenday) stands out with its bright green, yellow, blue and black plumage. If you’re looking for a small parrot with a big personality, this South American native may be the right fit. With proper care, these little parrots can live 15-20 years. Their medium size – 13 to 14 inches (33…
  • Sulphur-breasted Conure (Aratinga maculata)
    Have you ever seen a bright green parrot with a vibrant yellow chest flying through the trees? If so, you may have spotted the Sulphur-breasted Conure, a medium-small parrot native to Brazil. With its colorful plumage and social nature, this little parrot stands out in its rainforest home. Measuring about 11 inches (28 cm) from…
  • Jandaya Parakeet (Aratinga jandaya)
    The rainforests of interior Brazil are home to an abundance of colorful birdlife, but few stand out quite like the bright green plumage of the Jandaya Parakeet (aka jandaya conure). With its distinctive orange-yellow face, blue streaked cheeks, and red spot above its beak, this tropical parrot is considered one of Brazil’s most beautiful avian…
  • Golden-capped Parakeet (Aratinga auricapillus)
    As you gaze up into the rainforest canopies of Brazil, Bolivia, and Paraguay, you may catch a glimpse of vibrant green feathers and striking golden caps peeking through the leaves. These belong to the Golden-capped Parakeet, one of the most dazzling avian species found in South America’s lush forests. “The Golden-capped Parakeet holds significance as…
  • Genus: Aratinga
    Have you ever seen a vibrant, colorful parrot-like bird with a mischievous personality? If so, you may have spotted one of the captivating conures in the genus Aratinga! This diverse group of parakeets is known for their beauty and intelligence. Aratinga conures originate from Central and South America. They thrive in various habitats like rainforests,…
  • Chestnut-fronted Macaw (Ara severus)
    Have you ever seen a bright green parrot with a chestnut brown cap on its head? If so, you may have spotted the Chestnut-fronted Macaw, a medium-sized, vibrantly colored bird native to South America. Characterized by its striking forehead coloring and a blue and green feathered wingspan measuring up to 90 centimeters (over 3 feet),…
  • Red-fronted Macaw (Ara rubrogenys)
    The brilliant plumage of parrots has captivated people for centuries. When you first catch sight of a Red-fronted Macaw soaring through the dry forests of Bolivia, you’ll understand why. With its vibrant red and green feathers, this endangered macaw is a real head-turner. The Red-fronted Macaw is a medium-sized, mostly green parrot that lives in…
  • Military Macaw (Ara militaris)
    Have you ever seen a vibrant parrot with green feathers accented by bright red, blue, and yellow? If so, you may have spotted the Military Macaw, a visually striking tropical bird. A Parrot Rich in History The Military Macaw’s name gives a nod to its appearance, not its temperament. When spotted in flight, the parrot’s…
  • Scarlet Macaw (Ara macao)
    The striking scarlet macaw is known for its vibrant red, yellow and blue plumage. As one of the largest and most colorful parrots in its range through Central and South America, this species makes an imposing and unforgettable sight. If you’re curious to learn more about these magnificent birds, you’ve come to the right place….
  • Blue-throated Macaw (Ara glaucogularis)
    As you gaze across the flooded savannas and palm groves of northern Bolivia, a flash of brilliant blue may catch your eye. With turquoise feathers and a striking yellow chest, the Blue-throated Macaw is an unforgettable sight. Though once numbering in the hundreds, these critically endangered parrots now face a precarious future. Measuring 33 inches…
  • Red-and-green Macaw (Ara chloropterus)
    The Red-and-green Macaw (Ara chloropterus) is a captivating macaw species that enchants bird enthusiasts with its vibrant plumage and engaging behavior. As one of the most recognizable bird species in the world, the Red-and-green Macaw is known for its striking combination of red and green feathers, captivating birdwatchers and nature lovers alike. Native to the lush tropical rainforests of Central and South America,…
  • Blue-and-yellow Macaw (Ara ararauna)
    The blue-and-yellow macaw (Ara ararauna) is considered one of the most beautiful and majestic parrot species in the world. When you glimpse these colorful tropical birds with their piercing cries, it’s easy to understand why they have become symbols of the rich wildlife found in Central and South America’s rainforests. “The blue-and-yellow macaw’s bright plumage…
  • Great Green Macaw (Ara ambiguus)
    Have you ever seen a bright green parrot with a red forehead soaring over the rainforest canopy? If so, you may have spotted the magnificent Great Green Macaw! This endangered bird is the second largest parrot in Central and South America, and faces a number of threats to its survival. The Great Green Macaw (Ara…
  • Genus: Ara
    Have you ever admired the vibrant plumage and boisterous squawks of exotic macaws? If so, you’ve likely encountered a member of the spectacular Ara genus. Known for their dazzling hues and charismatic nature, Ara macaws showcase captivating diversity across Central and South America. This blog invites you on an exploration of a Neotropical marvel –…
  • Lear’s Macaw (Anodorhynchus leari)
    You gaze up at the bright blue Brazilian sky and catch a glimpse of vibrant blue feathers flashing in the sunlight. A flock of large, brilliant blue macaws with long tails are soaring by. You’ve spotted the rare and beautiful Lear’s macaw! These stunning parrots stand out with their striking indigo plumage and bright yellow…
  • Hyacinth Macaw (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus)
    You gaze up at the bright blue parrot with awe. With a length of 100 centimeters (about 3 feet) from the tip of its tail to the top of its head, the Hyacinth Macaw is an impressively large bird. Its bright blue plumage contrasts beautifully with the vibrant yellow skin around its eyes and lower…
  • Glaucous Macaw (Anodorhynchus glaucus)
    As you gaze up at the blue skies, a flash of pale turquoise catches your eye. A large, graceful bird soars by, its wings stretched wide to ride the air currents. The plumage is a striking mix of blue, gray, and bright yellow. You crane your neck to follow its path – the parrot is…
  • Genus: Anodorhynchus
    Have you ever seen a large, vibrant blue macaw soaring over the forests of South America? If so, chances are it was a member of the genus Anodorhynchus – some of the most impressive parrots on Earth! Anodorhynchus macaws live in central and eastern regions of South America. They prefer open habitats like grasslands and…
  • Black-winged Lovebird (Agapornis taranta)
    You glance up into the trees and catch a glimpse of bright red feathers. A small parrot with a colorful forehead peeks out from the branches. You’ve spotted the Black-winged Lovebird, one of Africa’s beautiful highland birds. “The Black-winged Lovebird stands out with its red and green plumage.” Known for its vibrant colors, the Black-winged…
  • Black-collared Lovebird (Agapornis swindernianus)
    The Black-collared Lovebird is a small, colorful parrot native to the rainforests of equatorial Africa. With vibrant green feathers accented by a black half-collar and red-brown chest, this lovebird species has a striking appearance. Weighing only 1.3 to 1.4 ounces (39 to 40 grams) and reaching just 5 inches (13 centimeters) in length, the Black-collared…
  • Rosy-faced Lovebird (Agapornis roseicollis)
    The vibrant Rosy-faced Lovebird is a small and delightfully colorful parrot native to the arid regions of southwestern Africa. With its bright green plumage accented by a pink face and throat, blue rump, and lively chattering calls, this petite bird has charmed its way into the hearts and homes of parrot enthusiasts around the world….
  • Red-headed Lovebird (Agapornis pullarius)
    You gaze out over the African savanna and spot a flash of green and red feathers flying by. A flock of vibrant little parrots with bright red faces are feasting on grass seeds before returning to their roosts for the evening. These are Red-headed Lovebirds, captivating little parrots native to the lush forests and savannas…
  • Yellow-collared Lovebird (Agapornis personatus)
    You gaze out at the flock of small green parrots fluttering among the acacia trees. As they alight on branches and forage for seeds, a flash of bright yellow catches your eye. Several of the parrots sport a vibrant golden band across their chests and necks that seems to glow in the afternoon sunlight. These…
  • Black-cheeked Lovebird (Agapornis nigrigenis)
    The Black-cheeked Lovebird is a small, striking parrot native to a tiny region of Africa. When you first glimpse one, you’ll likely notice the deep russet forehead and jet black cheeks contrasting vividly with bright green plumage. A splash of orange below the chin and white rings around the eyes add to the colorful palette. Weighing…
  • Lilian’s Lovebird (Agapornis lilianae)
    Have you ever seen a small, vibrant green parrot with a bright orange head and wanted to learn more about that beautiful bird? If so, you may have spotted the Lilian’s Lovebird (Agapornis lilianae), one of Africa’s most colorful and charismatic little parrots. These petite parrots stand at just 13 centimeters (5 inches) tall yet…
  • Fischer’s Lovebird (Agapornis fischeri)
    Have you ever seen a small, colorful parrot with a bright red beak and wondered what kind of bird it was? Chances are it was a Fischer’s Lovebird, one of the most popular pet bird species. Known for their charming personalities and bright green plumage accented with vibrant red and yellow, Fischer’s Lovebirds make delightful…
  • Grey-headed Lovebird (Agapornis canus)
    As you scan the cages at your local pet store, your eye catches a flash of grey and green. Perched inside is a bird no bigger than your hand, with a striking pale grey head and bright green body. You’ve discovered the rare and beautiful Grey-headed Lovebird, also known as the Madagascar Lovebird. This petite…
  • Genus: Agapornis
    You’ve probably seen images of cute, colorful little parrots snuggled up together, often accompanied by phrases about love and bonding. These are Agapornis lovebirds, a genus of small African parrots known for forming close, affectionate relationships with each other. The name “lovebird” refers to the strong, monogamous pair bonding these birds display. Lovebirds use various…
  • Genus: Alipiopsitta
    Parrots are some of the most recognizable and charming birds, known for their bright plumage and playful personalities. As you explore the diverse world of parrots, you come across the genus Alipiopsitta, a group of small to medium sized parrots native to South America. “Alipiopsitta parrots stand out with their striking facial patterns and endangered…
  • Yellow-lored Parrot (Amazona xantholora)
    The vibrant yellow “masks” around their eyes are the most distinguishing feature of these vibrant green parrots found in Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula and nearby regions. As you read on, you’ll uncover more about the biology and behaviors of the Yellow-lored Parrot (Amazona xantholora), a species that has captured the attention of nature enthusiasts, aviculturalists, and…
  • Puerto Rican Parrot (Amazona vittata)
    As you explore the lush rainforests of Puerto Rico, you may catch a glimpse of vibrant green feathers and hear a distinctive squawking call. Look closely up in the canopy, and you just might spot the Puerto Rican Parrot, also known as the Iguaca. Measuring about 11-12 inches (28-30 cm) long and weighing 8-11 ounces…
  • Red-crowned Parrot (Amazona viridigenalis)
    You catch a flash of red and green out of the corner of your eye. Glancing up, you spot a flock of parrots with bright red crowns perched in a palm tree. These colorful birds are Red-crowned Parrots, a species native to northeastern Mexico and possibly southernmost Texas. “The Red-crowned Parrot is well established and…
  • Vinaceous Amazon Parrot (Amazona vinacea)
    The Vinaceous Amazon Parrot (Amazona vinacea), also known as the Vinaceous-breasted Parrot or Vinaceous-breasted Amazon, is a rare and beautiful bird that inhabits the Atlantic Forest region of South America. As you read on, you’ll uncover fascinating details about this endangered species – from its unique appearance to its specialized habitat requirements to its cultural…
  • St. Lucia Parrot (Amazona versicolor)
    Have you ever seen the beautiful St. Lucia Parrot? This exotic rainbow-colored bird is only found on the small Caribbean island of Saint Lucia. As the national bird of Saint Lucia, the St. Lucia Parrot is a cultural icon and source of national pride. However, this species also faces threats from habitat loss and illegal…
  • Hispaniolan Amazon Parrot (Amazona ventralis)
    The Hispaniolan Amazon Parrot (Amazona ventralis) stands out from other amazon parrots with its vibrant green plumage accented by bright splashes of red, blue, and white. As you read on, you’ll uncover fun facts about this parrot’s appearance, behavior, habitat, and place in history. Scientific Background The Hispaniolan Parrot’s scientific name comes from the Greek…
  • Tucuman Amazon Parrot (Amazona tucumana)
    The Tucumán amazon Parrot (Amazona tucumana) is a beautiful green Amazon parrot that makes its home in a small section of South America. Measuring about 12-13 inches (31-33 cm) from head to tail, this parrot is mostly bright green with a red forehead and some neat black edging on its body feathers. When you see…
  • Tres Marías Amazon (Amazona tresmariae)
    The Tres Marías Amazon (Amazona tresmariae), once classified as a subspecies of the Yellow-headed Amazon and placed in the Amazona oratrix genus, stands out as a beautiful and rare parrot endemic to a small island chain off western Mexico. With brilliant plumage in shades of green, blue, yellow, and red, this Amazona parrot measures 35…
  • Red-browed Amazon Parrot (Amazona rhodocorytha)
    The brilliant red forehead and fiery orange eyes first catch your attention. Then you notice the vibrant blue cheeks and green body. You are gazing at an extraordinary bird – the Red-browed Parrot. “The Red-browed Parrot’s bright colors hint at its endangered status. Habitat loss threatens this rare Brazilian endemic.” This medium-sized parrot, measuring around…

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